Can I match my deck to my internal floor?

With indoor to outdoor spaces now flowing together, this is a question that is being asked more and more often. This can be achieved but often with difficulty. It will be dependent on your priorities and if this is best for each area.
If it is only the colour you are after, then the internal and external timber should be treated in the same stain (the timbers should be the same species and colour or very close to start with). Due to the different weather conditions that the external timber will encounter ensure the external coating will hold up to the elements outside. Also, due to these different conditions, maintenance will also be a major factor to consider as the outside will age and need attention faster.
Even when using the same timber and color for both areas the width of board and method of installation can also be visually deceiving when being compared closely. Whilst it may be the same species, the width , profile and direction of the boards may make it appear a mismatch.
This comes to light more so when the coating is applied to timber that has been prepared differently- e.g. the rougher the sand, the more absorbent and therefore the deeper the colour, external decks are not usually sanded as fine as internal timber so take in more of the pigments.
If using the same product, most products for external use are not recommended to be used internally for various reasons. For example, they may not withstand the constant daily foot traffic and the issue of off gassing (even if one does not smell it) needs to be considered.
Sometimes it is easier and more visually pleasing to use different timbers and treat them differently, defining the two different spaces.