But how is Livos Australia really different ?

By using the Livos non-toxic plant based products you will be creating a healthier living environment, giving you peace of mind.
Full Declaration; all ingredients are listed and openly declared (since 1984) on all products and data sheets. The “List of Raw Materials” is available on this web site for easy reference to some of the lesser known ingredients.
Linseed; is a main component and is grown in the northern parts of Germany and cold pressed at the Livos factory in Wieren. In the cultivation of the oil, preceding crops, crop rotation, soil preparation as well as the sowing time of the crop is of great importance and is reflected in the higher oil content of the harvest. The linseed straw as well as the seed shells (after extraction) is also used further.
Third Party Certification/Standards; In today’s market it is not difficult to make “Green” claims which deceive the consumer in thinking the product or company cares for human health or the environment. Many products carry certain “standards” that have been superseded by new ones or “certification” by different bodies that are simply paid for. Many of these organisations have “voluntary” environmental standards. Livos chooses not to join these certification schemes however as a company Livos is dedicated to operating in an open sustainable way that continues to develop and strengthen our Health, Environmental and Holistic standards.
Environmentally friendly; products are not only human friendly they are fully biodegradable and not detrimental to our waterways as many of the synthetic water based products.
Biodegradable; Livos products are fully biodegradable. They contain only natural raw materials for which nature has the right enzymes or microorganisms to degrade the molecules into non -toxic particles. Products labelled only degradable only breakdown into smaller particles. One of the many problems associated with this partial breakdown is that these particles get trapped in the gills of fish causing destruction and contamination of our water ways.
Animal testing; Livos does not test any of its products or ingredients on animals.
Renewable; The basis of Livos products are renewable industrial raw materials that are specially and ecologically grown to meet Livos’s needs and standards. The use of renewable raw materials creates many positive opportunities for the environment and agriculture.
Recyclable; In the manufacture of the products, the linseed straw and seed hull is re-used. E.g. the seed shell, once oil is extracted, is dried and returned to farmers as horse feed. Some outlets stock large containers of cleaning product enabling customers to ‘re-fill’ their existing containers All containers whether glass, tin or plastic can be recycled.
Solvents; Livos has a range of products that contain no to extremely low amounts of solvents. It is not necessarily how much solvent that is the critical factor, however which type. Livos not only uses plant based solvents however also synthetic ones such as the isoaliphates. These are also used in the pharmaceutical and food industries and are well established in Europe. 95% of these solvents evaporate in the first hour of application. Once dried, there is no further “off gassing” as occurs with many synthetic products. It positively influences the indoor air quality and does not contribute to harmful ozone depleting emissions.
Life cycle; There is no detrimental effect on one’s health from the Livos products; from manufacturing, application, the occupier to disposal. From cradle to grave.
Sea Miles; Why import? Honestly, we have not found another similar product range that backs up all it claims to be, is manufactured holistically, has excellent technical back up, and has products that are suitable for the chemically sensitive as well as Vegans. Having worked in this industry for over 35 years in Europe and Australia, we have used and trialled many similar products. We have a long list of clients that are more than happy with the products and the results achieved. In our opinion, we have not found a comparable product of the same quality already on the Australian market.