Are We Going Mad?

How many people do you know that have some form of allergy or sensitivity, wether the exact cause is known or not? Why does Australia have one of the highest asthma and allergy rates in the world?
Part of the answer lies in the ever-expanding isles in hardware stores stocking various paints and coatings. This is not the complete answer to the question by all means, but is a part of it.
We are being bombarded with new products. How often is there a new TV commercial showing a innovative paint that covers various substrates and is mould inhibiting? Is anyone telling us what is in these paints? Scientists believe this is one of the reason why many are becoming sensitive to various chemicals... not only with paint, but through so many new chemicals and mixes of chemicals that have been introduced into the market, without being tested for effects on the human body.
One can become sensitive to chemicals in various ways, sometimes by direct contact, however this is not always the case. Also, it is important to note, whilst one is not sensitive to something now, does not mean that it will remain like that. The reaction one can have ranges from mild headache that goes away with rest or removal from the exposure site, to much more severe reactions that can hospitalise. Some effects may become chronic and debilitating.
One major change in the paint industry was to introduce water based products. Whilst much better than the traditional versions, they are still not the best alternative, especially for those with sensitivities already. Why may you ask, especially since many are marked "no VOC (volatile organic compounds)"? To simplify, if one uses a water based modified oil product and the brush can be cleaned in water, one should question what else is in there, as oils and water do not mix. Similarly what are the auxiliary chemicals that stop that "paint smell" when using it but still inhibit mould? Because these additional chemicals are not regulated, and most companies believe you don’t need to know their "trade secrets" ...even if they have the potential to cause issues. They are all presumed safe until one can prove otherwise.
So why are homeowners still reacting to products that have no or low VOC? Did you know that many synthetic products (petroleum based) continue to off gas semi VOCs ( these are classified differently to VOCs ) for weeks, or even months after the coating has dried?
In an effort to sell products, paint companies endeavour to "green wash" customers into believing that their zero VOC formulas are the safest without needing to actually demonstrate or prove it. “Free of VOCs” does not mean that products are harmless for humans, animals and the environment, as even small quantities of solvents can be highly toxic.
No or Low VOC is not necessarily the healthiest option.
To make an informed choice, you must know the complete ingredient list of a particular product. We have it now with food products, why not with paints and finishes?
Livos is the first industrial manufacturer to fully list the ingredient of all their products and this since 1984. Only products of excellent quality that are conclusively healthy and ecologically friendly are given the Livos name. By knowing the full contents of a product allows one to make an informed choice to best suit their individual needs. To further meet these needs with extensive and sound knowledge and know how, Livos has developed a specialised range of products for those with chemical sensitivities and allergy sufferers.
Whilst one may still be sensitive to natural materials such as orange oil, Livos goes one step further and uses food grade quality orange oil rather than industrial grade. In this quality, it oxidises differently. One would tend to deduce that there would be less issues with a product found in nature than one that is manmade, manipulated and mixed in with other unknown chemicals.
So everyone can make fully informed choices by using Livos's healthier alternatives and select products to use within their home or workplace that truly support their needs.