Maxa Designs

As building designers who focus on sustainable and energy efficient building design, the environmental impact of the products that we use and recommend to our clients is paramount.  Products not only need to have minimal impact on the environment but they also need to have a great finish and be easy to use.

We feel that the Livos products tick all of these boxes and we feel very confident recommending your products to our clients.  We have also found your staff to provide us with excellent service and knowledgeable advice on your products, all the more reason to recommend you!

We can also personally vouch for your products, as we have used them on our office stairs (Ardvos) and floors at home (Kunos).  It has now been over 3 years since we finished our office stairs and over 18 months since we oiled our floors at home and both surfaces still look brilliant, they are wearing extremely well and have been regularly commented on by visitors.  The oils have really enhanced the natural grain and colour of the timbers.  There have never been any offensive toxic smells which was very important to us particularly at home because we brought home a new born baby soon after our floors were oiled.  We also have a staff member who suffers from many allergies, yet she is finding our office environment great to work in because we chose to use non-toxic materials and finishes.

We continually specify Livos products to our clients, and always receive positive feedback from those who live with them, so thank you for all of your support, advice and great products over the years!